Kentucky Startup Lawyer


Open Office Hours at iHub

Fort Law Group is excited to announce that we have partnered with Nucleus to bring complementary open office hours for startups and entrepreneurs to iHub.

We will be hosting the free office hours at iHub every Wednesday from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM and encourage startups and entrepreneurs to come speak to one of our attorneys about any legal issues or questions that may arise. Appointments will be scheduled in 30 minute increments and are open to Nucleus and iHub tenants, as well as entrepreneurs participating in Nucleus programs.

For those looking to schedule an office hour appointment, you may do so here:

We look forward to meeting you in our offices or at iHub!


Nathan S. Fort, ESQ
Fort Phelps PLLC
415 E. Market Street, Suite 101
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: (502) 509-3678
Fax: (888) 710-0379


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